All-on-6 Dental Implants: Before and After Images & Picture Gallery (5 Cases)

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Welcome to our All-on-6 Before and After gallery. Here, you will find a stunning collection of real patient transformations showing the results of the All-on-6 dental implants procedure for individuals with missing or failing upper or lower teeth.

All-on-6 Dental Implants (upper and lower arch) Before & After Case 1

All-on-6 Dental Implants Before and After Pictures (Case 2) - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
This middle-aged patient presented with hopeless teeth in his lower jaw due to advanced periodontal disease and significant carious lesions. He disliked his smile and was very self-conscious. After completing CT imaging and smile design, we elected to complete all surgical treatment in a single visit where we would extract all lower teeth with simultaneous bone grafting followed by placement of 6 implants and insertion of a fixed temporary prosthesis the same day. After 4 months of healing, we inserted a full arch screw-retained zirconia prosthesis. The patient was ecstatic to finally have straight, white teeth that he couldn’t wait to show off the second he left our office!


All-on-6 Dental Implants (upper and lower arch) Before & After Case 2

All-on-6 Dental Implants Before and After Pictures (Case 5) - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
This patient presented with advanced periodontal disease in both his upper and lower jaws. We determined that periodontal treatment could not save his lower teeth due to the extent of bone loss and tooth mobility, and thus those teeth were deemed hopeless. Fortunately, we saved his upper teeth and halted the disease progression with laser treatment (LANAP). We treatment planned extraction of all his lower teeth with immediate implant placement and load with same-day temporization. After 5 months of healing the patient received a final, zirconia, screw-retained prosthesis.


All-on-6 Dental Implants (upper and lower arch) Before & After Case 3

All-on-6 Dental Implants Before and After Pictures (Case 3) - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
This patient presented with most of her maxillary teeth missing, and her remaining teeth were periodontally compromised. After reviewing her CT scan, we treatment planned the patient for extraction of all her hopeless teeth along with bone grafting and simultaneous implant placement for an all-on-six implant-supported prosthesis. The patient received a new set of teeth the day of surgery, which were entirely fixed to the dental implants and had the correct tooth proportions that complimented her facial structure and natural smile. After 5 months of healing, the patient received her final fixed prosthesis.


All-on-6 Dental Implants (upper arch) Before & After Case 4

All-on-6 Dental Implants Before and After Pictures (Case 1) - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
This patient presented with severe periodontal disease throughout her entire dentition, however her main concern was the appearance of her upper teeth and her lower front teeth, which had supra-erupted. The patient was an active smoker for 35 years but was determined to change her life along with her smile. With a combination of the patient’s self-determination and support and encouragement from our team, the patient was able to quit smoking prior to her smile transformation. Due to extreme dental phobia, the patient underwent treatment under IV sedation and all the maxillary teeth and the mandibular 6 front teeth were extracted with extensive bone grafting done in all extraction sites. The upper jaw received 6 implants and a full arch of new teeth and the lower jaw received 2 implants, which was restored with a 6-unit temporary bridge, with all the treatment done in a single visit. After 5 months of healing, we provided the patient with a final set of zirconia prostheses. The patient has been coming for periodontal maintenance visits every 4 months for the past 2 years and she has not missed an appointment or smoked a cigarette since she made the decision to fix her smile.


All-on-6 Dental Implants (upper arch) Before & After Case 5

All-on-6 Dental Implants Before and After Pictures (Case 4) - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
This patient presented with multiple missing lower teeth, extensive tooth damage, and a completely collapsed bite. The patient was wearing an ill-fitting upper and lower partial denture for over 30 years. After taking a CT scan and making a comprehensive diagnostic wax-up, we determined the patient would be a great candidate for an all-on-6 fixed implant supported prosthesis for the lower teeth. We were able to place the implants and load the prosthesis in the same visit, providing the patient with new teeth in a single day. After 5 months of healing, we inserted the final prosthesis. According to the patient, her only regret throughout this entire process was not doing it years sooner!

If you have questions about All-on-6 Dental Implants before-and-after pictures or want to make an appointment, please call the Center for Dental Implants in NYC.

Page Updated on Aug 13, 2024 by
Dr. Rahmani
Implant Dentist
) of
NYC Dental Implants Center
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